在读研究生:硕士 10人,博士3人
1984.9 – 1988.7 兰州大学 化学专业学士
1988.9 – 1991.7 兰州大学 化学专业硕士
1995.9 – 1998.6 中国科学院兰州化学物理研究所理学博士(物理化学)
2002.07-2003.01:法国Clermont-Ferrand 第二大学,访问学者;
学术兼 职:
中国化学会会员,美国化学会会员,“Chemistry of Materials”, “Nanoscale”, “Journal of Materials Chemistry”, “ACS Applied Materials and Interface”,“Appl Catal A/B ”等国际学术期刊审稿人。
--- 多级纳米结构功能化催化剂的有序组装及其在选择性催化氧化/光催化中的应用
--- 层状载体担载可调金属(Au,Pd,Cu等)纳米粒/纳米簇的温和制备及其催化应用
--- 石墨烯基层状纳米阵列杂化材料的组装及其吸附分离与催化应用
--- 磁性有机无机复合纳米材料的制备及其性能
(1) 国家自然科学基金21878007“铜基LDH/rGO纳米片阵列结构的构建及其协同增强催化还原硝基酚性能”(在研)
(2) 国家自然科学基金21576013“水滑石负载原子精度单分散金/金钯纳米簇催化剂的制备及其催化性能研究”(在研)
(3) 国家自然科学基金20106002“层柱结构缓释农药的超分子插层组装”(结题)
(4) 国家自然科学基金20776012“新型药物传输系统drug-LDHs 复合纳米粒子的可控制备及其微结构对缓控释性能的调控”(结题)
1. Yanna Wang, Liguang Dou, and Hui Zhang*, Nanosheet Array-Like Palladium-Catalysts Pdx/rGO@CoAl-LDH via Lattice Atomic-Confined in Situ Reduction for Highly Efficient Heck, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2017, 9, 38784-38795
2. Liguang Dou, Yanna Wang, Yangguang Li and Hui Zhang*, Novel core-shell-like nanocomposites xCu@Cu2O/MgAlO-rGO through in situ self-reduction strategy for highly efficient reduction of 4-nitrophenol,Dalton Transactions, 2017, 46, 15836 – 15847
3. Shuangtao Yin, Jin Li, Hui Zhang*, Hierarchical hollow nanostructured core@shell recyclable catalysts g-Fe2O3@LDH@Au25-x for highly efficient alcohol oxidation, Green Chemistry, 2016, 18, 5900-5914
4. Liguang Dou, Hui Zhang*, Faciele assembly of nanosheet array-like CuMgAl-layered double hydroxide/rGO nanohybrids for highly efficient reduction of 4-nitrophenol,J Mater Chem A, 2016, 4, 18990-19002
5. Shuai Wang, Shuangtao Yin, Gaowen Chen, Lun Li and Hui Zhang*, Nearly atomic precise gold nanoclusters on nickel-based layered double hydroxides for extraordinarily efficient aerobic oxidation of alcohols, Catal Sci Technol, 2016, 6, 4090-4104
6. Liguang Dou, Ting Fan, Hui Zhang*, A novel 3D oxide nanosheets array catalyst derived from hierarchical structured array-like CoMgAl-LDH/graphene nanohybrid for highly efficient NOx capture and catalytic soot combustion, Catal Sci Technol, 2015, 5(12) , 5153-5167
7. Lun Li, Liguang Dou, Hui Zhang *, Layered double hydroxide supported gold nanoclusters by glutathione-capped Au nanoclusters precursor method for highly efficient aerobic oxidation of alcohols, Nanoscale, 2014, 6(7), 3753-3763
8. Xue Bi, Ting Fan, and Hui Zhang *, Novel Morphology-Controlled Hierarchical Core@shell Structural Organo-Layered Double Hydroxides Magnetic Nanovehicles for Drug Release, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 2014, 6, 20498-20509
9. Hui Zhang,* Guoyan Zhang, Xue Bi and Xitao Chen, Facile assembly of a hierarchical core@shell Fe3O4@CuMgAl-LDH (layered double hydroxide) magnetic nanocatalyst for the hydroxylation of phenol, J. Mater. Chem. A, 2013, 1(19), 5934-5942
10. Fei Mi, Xitao Chen, Yuewen Ma, Shuangtao Yin, Fanglong Yuan and Hui Zhang*, Facile synthesis of hierarchical core-shell Fe3O4@MgAl-LDH@Au as magnetically recyclable catalysts for catalytic oxidation of alcohols Chem. Commun., 2011, 47(48), 12804-12806
11. Dengke pan, Hui Zhang*, Ting Fan, Jiangang Chen, Xue Duan, Nearly monodispersed core-shell structural Fe3O4@DFUR–LDH submicro particles for magnetically controlled drug delivery and release, Chem. Commun., 2011, 47(3), 908-910
12. Wei Huang, Hui Zhang *, Dengke Pan, Study on the Release Behavior and Mechanism by Monitoring the Morphology Changes of the Large-Sized Drug-LDH Nanohybrids, AIChE J, 2011, 57(7), 1936–1946